The Mechanical Fisher,
also known as the Yo-Yo is an automatic fishing reel, consisting of a
stainless-steel tempered spring (enclosed in a galvanized steel sheet-metal
frame) that automatically sets the hook when the trigger is released by a fish
taking the bait.
Of course they can also be used as a snare for catching game.
This reel is easy to use, long lasting, and most importantly, it will
help you catch more fish! Great for fishing from docks, trot lines, limb
lines, jug lines, ice fishing or tie it off the side of a boat. We
have users tell us they have caught 5 times as many fish using the
Mechanical Fisher as traditional fixed line fishing. These reels are very popular for catching Crappie and Catfish.
By keeping a couple of the Mechanical Fishers in your survival kit, you are
greatly extending your chances of providing a meal or two when there might be
none...and, in turn, it leaves you with the opportunity to take care of other
business at hand.